Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Women's Aurah, Men's Sex Scripts

In Singapore, there are diverse views about the aurah of women.

Different people seem to have different opinions and interpretations about what is considered aurah and, citing different sources, they thus practise differently.

what is aurah and what is not, will not be debated here...

more importantly, one does wonder if discussions involving the aurah of women have ever taken into account the psyche and experiences of men...

An honest research in male behaviour may actually contribute immensely towards such discussions... for instance, what men notice, and what they do not... where their eyes focus when interacting (or even when not) with women... under what conditions much testosterone is produced... their sexual scripts and patterns....

well, we may just be surprised at the results. ;)

such a study could be carried out in an academic fashion, driven by the Islamic spirit of inquiry.. this may also serve to convince women who may come from the highly educated groups, and and hence socially, more acquainted and aggressive...

perhaps then, with input from men's perceptions of what is sexually attractive in women, consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously, combined with the views of the liberal and conservative religiously acknowledged, a more wholesome conclusion can be arrived at for the community.

yeay!! :D


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