Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Primary One Registration

as a country, we've managed to convert some of our traditional processes online eg. filing taxes, checking CPF balances...

is it time for us to start balloting for Primary One places online? i would believe that the computers would do a great job at churning results (read: betting results) and going online would also save parents time queueing overnight at certain schools... it IS only a couple of months away...

hmm, but is evryone ready?

apparently two-thirds of Singaporeans who file their taxes do so online... if that is the case, then the time for Primary One balloting may just be pretty soon....

however, imagine families who are still caught on the wrong side of the edu-socio-economic divide, they don't get to ballot for the so-called better schools because of a lack of IT access, and their children, already starting off slower, get into the lesser-off schools.... that would be such a shame!



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