Monday, October 22, 2007

Repealing Homosexual Law

My take on the petition to repeal the law on homosexual acts in Singapore...

I believe that whatever happens, Singapore under its current leadership, will not change this law, at least not fundamentally, because the country's leaders will tend to want to keep its stand of conserving our Asian values...

what is right or wrong, and what is an Asian value, will not be debated here...

but with regards to the Asian values argument, I believe why it is so important for our leaders may probably be because they would also want to be sensitive towards our immediate neighbours in the region...

also, in the face of an increasing immigrant workforce, the issue of the Singaporean identity will keep re-surfacing...

by virtue of our geographical location, Southeast-Asia, East Asia, and the larger Asia, i think we will stick to the 'norm' of Asian values, until the day comes when the larger countries also face a crossroads with this issue, or when a new leadership in our country believes that we can set ourselves apart by promoting a 'new' set of Asian values...

why talk about our being sensitive to our larger regional neighbours, instead of highlighting the conservative elements within our society instead?

well, simplistically speaking, the conservative elements within our Singaporean society, i believe, are also losing some of its 'conservative-ness'... anecdotal experience shows that, even the Malay/Muslim community has its fair share of youth engaged in liberal and non-heterosexual behaviour... now, how about that....


this issue will probably be hot again in a few decades.... right now, Singaporean says it will lose its steam quite soon... ;)

have fun debating, everyone!


singaporean said...

ah, singaporean also remembers that a lot of ppl are watching the developments of the infamous section 377a. if a petition succeeds to repeal it, then i think the leadership might be concerned about individuals from opposition parties who would take advantage of this.. ahahah

singaporean said...

keeping to the asian family! it came up again in yest's parliament when the foreign minister mentioned about singapore's approach towards myanmar... ie. it's better to keep myanmar in Asean and face the FAMILY instead of leaving her isolated by herself... maybe this can explain the attitude towards the homosexual issue. ;)

singaporean said...

at the end of it all, it was said that we'll leave the law as it is cos it is the view of the majority, who happen to be conservative. if that is the case, how about the IR then? i thought the majority didn't want it to go ahead... there's no right or wrong... it's just an incongruence ;p cheers!